Atari TT030 Revision Guide * What follows is a guide based on educated assumptions, logical conclusions, and some hard evidence. As such, the information provided may not be, or may never be entirely accurate due to lack of evi... Guide TT030 Dec 6, 2019
Atari TT030 REV.D Rework Guide Here is the REV.D and up rework guide. Note that some REV.H have the RTC fix built-in and certainly later models. REV.J and REV.K typically have the VME Bus Fix and perhaps others. None [1] [1] ht... Guide TT030 Upgrades Jun 10, 2018
Atari TT030 REV.C Rework Guide This started out as a guide for myself to do the rework down the road. This is for REV.C (PGA CPU) which is the model after the daughterboard REV.A and one before the REV.D-K ("SMT Models"). Took a lo... Guide TT030 Upgrades Jun 10, 2018